About project
Living Human Treasures - Bulgaria.

   The Project is the first step in the realization of UNESCO's Program Human Living Treasures in Bulgaria. The work on it will be based on the experience and achievements of the Venice seminar Human Living Treasures held in February 1999.The Project is the first stage of the realization of UNESCO's Program in Bulgaria.
   Specific historical and cultural developments in the country have enabled the preservation of the traditional skills, technologies and values to the present. Nevertheless, modernization now threatens their normal functioning, existence and transmission. Thus, there is an ultimate need traditional activities to be systematized and reinterpreted, as well as to produce a list of those of them which are still living human properties in Bulgarian context. This expert work has been carried out within the Project by a group of highly qualified and experienced specialists.
    * Study of the foreign and Bulgarian experience in the defining and interpretation of the traditional skills, technologies and cultural practices, as well as of their transmission.
    * Defining criteria for their identification in Bulgarian culture.
    * Outdrawing the typical regional and the national specifics of the traditional activities - skills, technologies and practices - preserved as living human experience in Bulgaria.
    * Preparation of questionnaire in order to obtain representative data needed in the preparation of the list.
    * Dissemination of instructions, criteria and questionnaires. Training seminar at the Ministry of Culture with the representatives of the regional cultural institutions. Gathering of the filled in answer sheets and their computer processing. Expert interpretation of the data from the answer sheets. Expert trips to different regions of Bulgaria for a verification of the answer sheet data
    * Preparation of a draft list of the human living treasures in Bulgaria and its publication in the Internet. Realization of a round table discussion with the experts of the Ministry of Culture and with representatives of other institutions on the draft list.
    * Preparation of national and regional lists "Living Human Treasures - Bulgaria. List of Activities" and its submission to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.
    * Publication of the List in Bulgarian and in English in the Internet.
   Duration of the Project: 1 March 2001 - 31 December 2002. Participants: The participants in the Project are experts at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Institute of Folklore. The Institute of Folklore at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is Bulgaria's only national center for systematic and detailed documentation, preservation, investigation and popularization of the folk culture in Bulgaria and its variety; its verbal, ritual, musical, dance and art aspects included. The Archive of the Institute has the Status of a National Center for Collection and Conservation of Bulgarian Folklore. The research group of experts has acquired rich professional experience in the documentation, preservation, investigation and popularization of the traditional folk culture of Bulgaria.
   Research Group from the Institute of Folklore at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Engaged in the Project "Living Human Treasures - Bulgaria. List of Activities"
   Professor Mila Santova, D. Sc. - leader
   Professor Dimitrina Kaufman, Ph.D.
   Senior Researcher Albena Georgieva, Ph.D.
   Senior Researcher Lozanka Peycheva , Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Krasimira Krastanova, Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Anna Shtarbanova, Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Iva Stanoeva, Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Sasha Lozanova, Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Ekaterina Anastasova, Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Vania Mateeva, Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Radka Bratanova, Ph.D.
   First Degree Associate Researcher Miglena Ivanova , Ph.D.
   Evgenia Grancharova, Ph.D. candidate
2025 January
New Year1
St. Basil's Day Survakari1
St. Silvestre's Day2
Krastovden - Feast of the Holy Cross5
Yordanovden - St. Jordan's Day (Epiphany)6
Ivanovden - St. John's Day7
Babinden - Midwives's Day8
Antonovden St. Anthony's Day17
Atanasovden - St. Athanasius's Day18
Petlyovden - Cock’s Day20
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