Traditional narration 
Narration of traditional folktales
Narration of stories and sagas
Narration of folk humor
2024 January
Sveti Vrachove1
Sts. Kozma and Damyan1
Leten Atanasovden; Summer St. Athanasius’ Day5
Sveta Cherna, Cheren den; The Black Day6
Sveta Nedelia; St. Nedelya7
Goreshtnitsi, Ognena Maria; The First of the Three Hottest Days in the Year15
Goreshtnitsi, Ognena Maria; The First of the Three Hottest Days in the Year15
Ilinden; St. Elia's Day20
Lyatna Sveta Anna; Summer St. Anna25
Panteleymon; St. Pantheleymon27
All images, texts and video fragments are copyrighted.