Traditional Celebration of Ecclesiastical and Popular Orthodox Feasts

“St. Nikola”. Icon from the Town of Chiprovtsi, Montana Region

1998. Archive of the Institute of Folklore

All pictures are from National centre for colecting and archiving of bulgarian folklore at Institute of Folklore, BAS, Nationa library "Sveti Kiril i Metodi", National archive, personal collections and
2024 January
Sveti Vrachove1
Sts. Kozma and Damyan1
Leten Atanasovden; Summer St. Athanasius’ Day5
Sveta Cherna, Cheren den; The Black Day6
Sveta Nedelia; St. Nedelya7
Goreshtnitsi, Ognena Maria; The First of the Three Hottest Days in the Year15
Goreshtnitsi, Ognena Maria; The First of the Three Hottest Days in the Year15
Ilinden; St. Elia's Day20
Lyatna Sveta Anna; Summer St. Anna25
Panteleymon; St. Pantheleymon27
All images, texts and video fragments are copyrighted.