Traditional crafts and traditional production of home-made objects or

Silver Women's Decoration from the Village of Nedelino, Smolyan Region

2000. Archive of the Institute of Folklore

All pictures are from National centre for colecting and archiving of bulgarian folklore at Institute of Folklore, BAS, Nationa library "Sveti Kiril i Metodi", National archive, personal collections and
2025 January
Marta; Baba Marta (Granny March)1
Mesni zagovezni (changing); The Shrovetide6
Mladenci; Sts. 40 Martyrs9
Mishi praznici; The Mice Days10
Sirni Zagovezni, Proshka; Strict Shrovetide (changing)13
Pesi Ponedelnik; Dog’s Monday (changing)14
Losh Vtornik; Bad Tuesday (changing)15
Luda Sryada; Mad Wednesday (changing)16
Vartoglav Chetvartak; Staggers Thursday (changing)17
Lud Petak; Mad Friday (changing)18
Todorovden; St. Theodor's Day (changing)19
Blagovets; Annunciation25
All images, texts and video fragments are copyrighted.