Traditional dances and children`s games

Horo (Chain Dance) in the Village of Petrovo

National Library "Sts. Syril and Methodius", Collection "Portraits and Photographs", signature C1-12545

All pictures are from National centre for colecting and archiving of bulgarian folklore at Institute of Folklore, BAS, Nationa library "Sveti Kiril i Metodi", National archive, personal collections and
2025 January
Marta; Baba Marta (Granny March)1
Mesni zagovezni (changing); The Shrovetide6
Mladenci; Sts. 40 Martyrs9
Mishi praznici; The Mice Days10
Sirni Zagovezni, Proshka; Strict Shrovetide (changing)13
Pesi Ponedelnik; Dog’s Monday (changing)14
Losh Vtornik; Bad Tuesday (changing)15
Luda Sryada; Mad Wednesday (changing)16
Vartoglav Chetvartak; Staggers Thursday (changing)17
Lud Petak; Mad Friday (changing)18
Todorovden; St. Theodor's Day (changing)19
Blagovets; Annunciation25
All images, texts and video fragments are copyrighted.