Institute of Folklore at BAS

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria

Living Human Treasures - Bulgaria.

    Many nations promote immaterial cultural heritage as an identity source deeply imbedded in their historical fate. Unfortunately, a lot of cultural activities such as music, dance, narration, rites, fairs and application of other traditional skills are threatened with extinction. This is mainly caused by the globalization of the world culture resulting from technical and information progress. It is further enhanced by the fragile and perennial nature of the immaterial culture transmitted directly as living human experience and sometimes existing only in the moment of transmission or performance.
    UNESCO's program "Living Human Treasures" and its Bulgarian part "Living Human Treasures - Bulgaria" are aimed at avoiding future extinction. It is considered extremely important to encourage the bearers of immaterial cultural heritage to practice and to transmit their knowledge and skills to the next generations. Bulgaria is a country which is lucky to have preserved its folklore culture in an ancient syncretic state - as an immanent unity of sounds, movements, verbal creativity, rites, etc.
2025 January
Marta; Baba Marta (Granny March)1
Mesni zagovezni (changing); The Shrovetide6
Mladenci; Sts. 40 Martyrs9
Mishi praznici; The Mice Days10
Sirni Zagovezni, Proshka; Strict Shrovetide (changing)13
Pesi Ponedelnik; Dog’s Monday (changing)14
Losh Vtornik; Bad Tuesday (changing)15
Luda Sryada; Mad Wednesday (changing)16
Vartoglav Chetvartak; Staggers Thursday (changing)17
Lud Petak; Mad Friday (changing)18
Todorovden; St. Theodor's Day (changing)19
Blagovets; Annunciation25
All images, texts and video fragments are copyrighted.